Broad Ford Overholt Distillery
Photograph from Thomas Ridenour
Written by K. R. Overholt Critchfield, © August 8, 2001
~~ Renovated 10-22-08 ~~

A. Overholt and Company, Broad Ford, PA (c. 1942)

This photograph was supplied by Thomas Ridenour, back when we were working on the web pages for Our Stauffer Cousins. I had to crop and downsize it, because is was very large, but I tried not to lose the beauty of the landscape, and the tremendous detail of the community surrounding the distillery. I have never visited the site, which now stands idle (I don't know for how long), and I'm not sure who actually owns the place, but a few people have told me the buildings are boarded up and may still hold many valuable business artifacts and business files. I want to plumb the depths of those historical riches! Someday! And I pray, if such a day ever comes, I will be accompanied by a staff of loyal investigators who will help me reap the great stories that must reside there. Wouldn't that be a literary adventure?

Karen's Note: One summer day, several years after posting this web page, I finally did get to visit Broad Ford, walk around, and take pictures of what was left of the Overholt Distillery. See my article, Broad Ford Safari.

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